Sunday, April 18, 2010



Emily Rose is actually Anneliese Michel. From her birth on the 21st of September, 1952, Anneliese Michel enjoyed the life of a normal, religiously nurtured young girl. Without warning, her life changed on a day in 1968 when she began shaking and found she was unable to control her body. She could not call out for her parents, Josef and Anna, or any of her 3 sisters. A neurologist at the Psychiatric Clinic Wurzburg diagnosed her with "Grand Mal" epilepsy. Because of the strength of the epileptic fits, and the severity of the depression that followed, Anneliese was admitted for treatment at the hospital.

Soon after the attacks began, Anneliese started seeing devilish grimaces during her daily praying. It was the fall of 1970, and while the young people of the world were enjoying the liberal freedoms of the time, Anneliese was battling with the belief that she was possessed. It seemed there was no other explanation for the appearance of devilish visions during her prayers. Voices also began following her, saying Anneliese will "stew in hell". She mentioned the "demons" to the doctors only once, explaining that they have started to give her orders. The doctors seem unable to help, and Anneliese lost hope that medicine was going to be able to cure her.

In the summer of 1973, her parents visited different pastors to request an exorcism. Their requests were rejected and they were given recommendations that the now 20 year old Anneliese should continue with medication and treatment. It was explained that the process by which the Church proves a possession (Infestatio) is strictly defined, and until all the criterium is met, a Bishop can not approve an exorcism. The requirements, to name a few, include an aversion to religious objects, speaking in a language the person has never learned, and supernatural powers.

In 1974, after supervising Anneliese for some time, Pastor Ernst Alt requested a permit to perform the exorcism from the Bishop of Wurzburg. The request was rejected, and a recommendation soon followed saying that Anneliese should live even more of a religious lifestyle in order to find peace. The attacks did not diminish, and her behavior become more irratic. At her parents house in Klingenberg, she insulted, beat, and began biting the other members of her family. She refused to eat because the demons would not allow it. Anneliese slept on the stone floor, ate spiders, flies, and coal, and even began drinking her own urine. She could be heard screaming throughout the house for hours while breaking crucifixes, destroying paintings of Jesus, and pulling apart rosaries. Anneliese began committing acts of self-mutilation at this time, and the act of tearing off her clothes and urinating on the floor became commonplace.

After making an exact verification of the possession in September 1975, the Bishop of Wurzburg, Josef Stangl, assigned Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt with the order to perform "The Great Exorcism" on Anneliese Michel. The basis for this ritual was the "Rituale Romanum", which was still, at the time, a valid Cannon Law from the 17th century. It was determined that Anneliese must be saved from the possession by several demons, including Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, and Fleischmann, a disgraced Frankish Priest from the 16th century, and some other damned souls which had manifested through her. From September '75 until July '76, one or two exorcism sessions were held each week. Anneliese's attacks were sometimes so strong that she would have to be held down by 3 men, or even chained up. During this time, Anneliese found her life somewhat return to normal as she could again go to school, take final examinations at the Pedagogic Academy in Wurzburg, and go to church.

The attacks, however, did not stop. In fact, she would more often find herself paralyzed and falling unconscious than before. The exorcism continued over many months, always with the same prayers and incantations. Sometimes family members and visitors, like one married couple that claims to have "discovered" Anneliese, would be present during the rituals. For several weeks, Anneliese denied all food. Her knees ruptured due to the 600 genuflections she performed obsessively during the daily exorcism. Over 40 audio tapes record the process, in order to preserve the details.

The last day of the Exorcism Rite was on June 30th, 1976, and Anneliese was suffering at this point from Pneumonia. She was also totally emaciated, and running a high fever. Exhausted and unable to physically perform the genuflections herself, her parents stood in and helped carry her through the motions. "Beg for Absolution" is the last statement Anneliese made to the exorcists. To her mother, she said, "Mother, I'm afraid." Anna Michel recorded the death of her daughter on the following day, July 1st, 1976, and at noon, Pastor Ernst Alt informed the authorities in Aschaffenburg. The senior prosecutor began investigating immediately.

A short time before these final events unfolded, William Friedkin's "The Exorcist" (1974) came to the cinemas in Germany, bringing with it a wave of paranormal hysteria that flooded the nation. Psychiatrists all over Europe reported an increase of obsessive ideas among their patients. Prosecutors took more than 2 years to to take Annaliese's case to court, using that time to sort through the bizarre facts. Anneliese's parents and the two exorcists were accused of negligent homocide. The "Klingenberg Case" would be decided upon two questions: What caused the death of Anneliese Michel, and who was responsible?

According the forensic evidence, "Anneliese starved to death". Specialists claimed that if the accused would have begun with forced feeding one week before her death, Anneliese's life would have been saved. One sister told the court that Anneliese did not want to go to a mental home where she would be sedated and forced to eat. The exorcists tried to prove the presence of the demons, playing taped recordings of strange dialogues like that of two demons arguing about which one of them would have to leave Anneliese's body first. One of the demons called himself Hitler, and spoke with a Frankish accent (Hitler was born in Austria). Not one of those present during the exorcism ever had a doubt about the authenticity of the presence of these demons.

The psychiatrists, whom had been ordered to testify by the court, spoke about the "Doctrinaire Induction". They said that the priests had provided Anneliese with the contents of her psychotic behavior. Consequentially, they claimed, she later accepted her behavior as a form of demonic possession. They also offered that Anneliese's unsettled sexual development, along with her diagnosed Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, had influenced the psychosis.

The verdict was considered by many as not as harsh as they expected. Anneliese's parents, as well as the exorcists, were found guilty of manslaughter resulting from negligence and omitting first aid. They were sentenced to 6 months in jail and probation. The verdict included the opinion of the court that the accused should have helped by taking care of the medical treatment that the girl needed, but instead, their use of naive practices aggrivated Anneliese's already poor constitution.

A commission of the German Bishop-Conference later declared that Anneliese Michel was not possessed, however, this did not keep believers from supporting her struggles, and it was because so many believed in her that Anneliese's body did not find peace with death. Her corpse was exhumed eleven and a half years after her burial, only to confirm that it had decayed as would have been expected under normal circumstances. Today, her grave remains a place of pilgrimage for rosary-praying and for those who believe that Anneliese Michel bravely fought the devil.

In 1999, Cardinal Medina Estevez presented journalists in Vatican-City the new version of the "Rituale Romanum" that has been used by the Catholic Church since 1614. The updates came after more than 10 years of editing and is called "De exorcismis et supplicationibus quibusdam" otherwise known as "The exorcism for the upcoming millennium". The Pope approbated the new Exorcism Rite, which is now allowed for worldwide use. This new form of exorcism came after the German Bishop-Conference demanded to ultimately abolish the "Rituale Romun". It also came more than 20 years after Anneliese Michel had died.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


You know those big stone structures out in Egypt? The ones which were supposedly built to house the remains of dead pharaohs??? The ones you thought were built by the Egyptians?
Well, you are wrong!
Let's take a look at some undeniable evidence....

First, look at this diagram:

The pyramid is highlighted in red, and its two diagonals are extended beyond the end of the pyramid to the north-east and north-west. The mass of squiggly lines above the pyramid is the Delta of the Nile River, and, as you can see the two diagonals encase the Nile neatly and entirely. IS THAT A COINCIDENCE???

Yes, I'm sure that the way the Egyptians did this was to have someone walk hundreds of miles to the end of the delta and hold a really, really long piece of string while someone walked all the way back to the site of the pyramid. Then, those two people stood there while two more people repeated the process on the other side of the Pyramid. Just so that they could build a big building in such a way that its diagonals lie on those two lines.

Here is what really happened: A couple of aliens, flying high enough over the earth to be able to see where the Nile Delta's origin is, easily saw what orientation the pyramid would need to be in order to have its diagonals lie on those two lines.

Second piece of evidence:
The big dark shape on the upper left of this diagram is the great pyramid. If you look at the compass rose in the bottom right, you can see that the pyramid is lined up exactly with the magnetic North Pole, a difference of only 16 minutes, or some absurdly small number like that (there are 60 minutes in one degree). COINCIDENCE? How could the Egyptians possibly have built their pyramid facing the exact magnetic North Pole without even having a compass? FYI, a compass was not invented for a few thousand years after the ancient Egyptians were long gone? IS THAT LIKELY????

This is how it really worked: Those aliens, abundant in their knowledge and drowning in technology, came along and using their compasses, they landed on earth and found the actual magnetic north and south poles. THEN THEY BUILT THE PYRAMIDS!

Now look at this:
This is a photograph of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and its neighbor, as seen from the Sphinx, on the evening of the summer solstice. As you can see, the sun is setting in the exact center of the two pyramids. COINCIDENCE???

For the Egyptians to be able to do this, they must have known the day of the summer solstice, and they therefore, must have known the exact length of the year, or 365.25; once again, a fact not discovered until long after the Egyptians were gone. HOW LIKELY IS THAT???

The real story goes like this: Those meddling aliens, in all of their infinite wisdom, saw the earth upon entering the solar system, and by calculating the size of its revolutions around the sun, the velocity it was at which it traveled and the angle of its axis of rotation, they were able to easily calculate the longest day of the year or the length of the year.

Here is another photo:
This is a photograph taken on the day of the winter solstice from the entrance of the Great Pyramid. The Big shape silhouetted in the middle of the photograph is the Sphinx. Since this is only a photograph, and not a movie, you can't get the full effect. But even in the photo, you can see that the sun is tracing around the Sphinx's head. In actuality, the sun rises exactly at the left side of the base of the Sphinx's head. Then it traces it all the way around until it sets on the right side of the Sphinx's head. COINCIDENCE???

Had the Egyptians done this, since this occurs only on the day of the winter solstice, they would have had to have known the exact length of a year.

It's those aliens, who after finding the length of the year, found the shortest day of the year, and then built their Sphinx and Pyramid accordingly.

Consider this:
This above image is a diagram of the stars of the Belt of Orion. Now look at the diagram of the pyramids below.

Though this fact is not as remarkable, the positioning of the three Pyramids of Giza are exactly aligned with the position of the three stars in the belt of Orion, both in position and in size. While it is possible, it would create many difficulties for the Egyptians in terms of measuring huge distances. Not only this, but in fact, at the time that the pyramids were supposedly built (about 3000 BC), the stars that make up the Belt of Orion were not exactly at the correct angle to match up with the pyramids. If the location of the stars is traced back over thousands of years, the time at which the belt is exactly aligned with the pyramids is in fact 10,500 BC. A time when there were supposedly no
civilized humans living on the earth. Another fact to support this is, if you consider the Sphinx, a lion with a human head and then look at the size of the body, you can see that the body is perfectly proportioned for the head of a lion, not the human head. This human head looks tiny and silly sitting on top of the body. This is because the Sphinx was actually built in 10,500 BC, around the same time as the pyramids, with a real head of a lion. Evidence to support this is that there are signs of water erosion all over the Sphinx. The last time that there was any water nearby, aside from the Nile is around 10,000 BC. Also, the constellation of Leo the Lion (thus closely related to the Sphinx), was in fact rising directly behind the sun in 10,500 BC.

Are they saying that the Egyptians built their pyramids to be in the exact shape of Orion's Belt, but purposely aligned them differently from what was actually in the sky? That after they built the Sphinx, they purposely made the head look small and funny? Then, they broke their backs carrying water from the Nile just so that they could put water erosion lines all over the body?????

In fact, no Egyptian did it at all. The aliens, with their plethora of wisdom, came down in the year 10,500 BC and built the Pyramids and the Sphinx. They built it with a head of a lion to match the Belt of Orion, as well as the constellation of Leo. Thousands of years later, Ramses, the egomaniacal dictator-pharaoh of Egypt, decided that he didn't like having the head of a lion on top of the statue in his land. So, he had a head in his own likeness constructed instead. But the Egyptians, not being very skilled at huge masonry, built the head somewhat too small.

Why is it that the great Pyramids of Giza, built in 3,000, are perfect, and still standing as tall as the day they were built? (Aside from the capstone and the polished stones, which were stripped by humans in the building of Cairo) The other Pyramids, which were supposedly built about 500 years later, all have shoddy masonry, and are crumbling down. An example of this is the famous 'bent' pyramid, which started out with the sides being built at one angle, then suddenly shifts in the middle to a shallower angle. This is because the angle at which it was started was much too steep for it to stand when finished. It is because the Egyptian pharaohs saw the great pyramids standing on their land and decided that they wanted pyramids of their own. But they found that it was much harder to do than was expected and ended up building silly looking structures that don't even come close to comparing with the magnitude of elegance emanating from the great pyramids.

Other startling evidence:

If you take the perimeter of the pyramid and divide it by two times the height, you get a number that is exactly equivalent to the number pi (3.14159...) up to the fifteenth digit. The chances of this phenomenon happening by sheer chance is remarkably small. Did the ancient Egyptians know what the number pi was? Not likely, seeing as it was a number not calculated accurately to the fourth digit until the 6th century, and the pyramids calculate it to the fifteenth.

What about the fact that even though the sides of the base of the pyramid are some 757 feet long, it still forms an almost perfect square? Every angle in the base is exactly 90 degrees. In fact, the sides have a difference in length of something like two centimeters, which is an incredibly small amount.

What about the fact that although the Egyptians kept very careful records about everything they ever did; every king they had, every war they fought, and every structure they built, there were no records of them ever having built the pyramids?

What about the fact that the Egyptians had not even invented the wheel yet, but the blocks that they had to carry to build the pyramids weighed about 2 tons each? 4,000 lbs.? What did they do... use cement? In fact, they used so much stone, that if you took all of the stone they used and cut it into 1 foot square blocks, it would extend 2/3 of the way around the earth!!!

If you take the line of longitude that the pyramid lies on and the latitude that the pyramid lies on, 31 degrees north by 31 degrees west (the fact that they are the same number is a coincidence???) they are the two lines that cover the most combined land area in the world. In essence, the pyramid is the center of all of the land mass of the whole earth!!!!

How about the fact that a group of modern scientists attempted to build a pyramid out next to the real one using modern technologies, and after something like 100 days, succeeded in building one about 1/40 of the size of the real one????

Did you know that the height of the pyramid (481 feet) is almost exactly 1/1,000,000,000 of the distance from the earth to the sun (480.6 billion feet)?

What about all of that fungi that was found in King Tutu's chamber? Fungi which has never before been seen on earth? What about the Pharaoh's curse????? You decide, who built the Pyramids?????


This is an incident of 1942 when the king of Kumaon invited an army officer of Western Command, LP. Farrel for a picnic trip to the hills. There was a special reason for inviting Mr. Farrel; in spite of his being a Britisher he was very much interested in Indian religion, philosophy and culture. He had a few opportunities of witnessing demonstration of miraculous feats of some Indian yogis. He had become a pure vegetarian. That is why he always welcomed any opportunity to go towards the Himalayan wilderness, with the hope of meeting some saint or yogi who could initiate him into spiritual sadhana.

Mr. Farrel, the king and the queen and their entourage reached a place near Nainital full of natural beauty. It so enchanted them that they decided to camp overnight there. So, the dozens of tents were pitched and the lonely place got filled with the hustle and bustle of servants. Gossip, merriment, eating and drinking went on till midnight. Everyone went to bed and due to exhaustion of the whole day’s exertions, immediately slipped into deep sleep. The first phase of the sleep was hardly over when Mr. Farrel felt that there was someone near his cot. He waked up and clearly listened-"We need the place where your tents have been pitched. You vacate this place. If you are unable to understand, then you should come to that northwestern hill in front of you. I will explain you everything." "But who are you?" – saying this Mr. Farrel got up from the bed and lit his torch. But there was no one. He came out of the tent but there too no one could be seen nor heard anyone’s footsteps. After a momentary fear he became normal and then went back to his bed again for sleeping. It was 3.30 AM by his watch.

Despite his best efforts he could not sleep. Somehow he was keeping his eyes shut. Again he felt someone’s presence. Still lying on the bed he opened the eyes and he saw a shadow of a person standing in front of him. This time again he uttered the same words. In order to identify that person, as soon as Mr. Farrel lit the torch, even the shadow vanished. His body started shaking and perspiring. This army officer who did not get frightened even by watching the horrible bloodshed in the war, momentarily got un-nerved and dumbfounded by mere imagination of a supernatural being. He lay awake in his bed with his eyes closed till the morning but heard nothing. A strange attraction was arousing within him to see the hill mentioned by the shadowy presence. He put on his clothes and shoes and silently came out of the tent and walked towards that hill.

Describing this incident Mr. Farrel has himself written: "The way to the place where I was directed to reach was very difficult, narrow and dangerous. I was not at all able to climb up by myself but I was constantly feeling that somebody was showing me the way and was providing me the energy to climb up. After a hard effort of three and a half hours I could climb up. It seemed difficult to go ahead due to heavy breathing and perspiration. So I sat down on a square stone, lying down on it to take some rest. Hardly two minutes had passed and the same voice awakened me. ‘Mr. Farrel! Now you put off your shoes and slowly climb down the stone and come to me. With these words in the ears, I looked around and saw that a saint, with very weak constitution but brilliant splendor on the forehead, was standing in front of me. Leave aside the acquaintance, I had never met or seen him earlier. Then how could he know my name? He was here, then how did his shadow reach in my tent in the night? There was no communication link like a radio or a microphone etc between us. Then how could his voice reach me? Several such questions arose in my mind. Putting a stop to the unending trail of questions the sadhu said-whatever you have heard and seen cannot be understood by ordinary human mind. For this purpose one has to do long sadhana and the practice of yoga, abandoning the worldly pleasures and attraction of the senses. There is a specific purpose for which you have been called here."

Farrel could not make out whether the saintly person was a human being or a god. The thoughts arising in his mind were being constantly read by that person like an open book. Mr. Farrel climbed down the rock and in a short time reached the place where the Sadhu was sitting. The place was so small that only one person could take rest there. There was nothing except the fire burning in the Dhooni (firepit).

Farrel further writes- "The Sadhu patted me on the back with his weak hand and I was stunned how could this electricity like power be there in that old body. My body that was almost breaking with pain due to exhaustion - now seemed light like a flower. As an humble gesture of respect for him I knelt down and touched his feet. I had seen many sadhus; but I have always felt that sahdus and saints who had influenced Indian philosophy and increased its dignity were not those who were roaming around on the roads but they were truly such secluded and devoted persons only. Their physical bodies might weigh 80-90 pounds but intensity of their energy and power was more than that of thousand bombs and they were the storehouses of knowledge."

The Sadhu told me-"I have inspired a youth to reach the place where your tents have been pitched. He was my disciple in his previous birth. His sadhana is half-completed. Now I want to guide him again to undertake his sadhana and penance for the universal welfare. But the memories of his previous birth are dormant. The impressions and circumstances of this birth are attracting him. Therefore he is unable to take up the sadhana again. I have called him through subtle inspiration. If he comes here and is unable to locate the directed place, then he will get confused. In that event, whatever I want will not become possible, Therefore, please vacate that place immediately."

Mr. Farrel said – "Lord! Please tell me also a few things about my previous birth "? The Sadhu replied-"My son! These siddhis (accomplishments) are not for demonstration. They are meant for some special purposes and it is better they are utilized for that only. Of course, if you wish you can be present at the time when I show him the events of his previous birth. Now you go. People are searching for you in the camp. I too am in a hurry."

Mr. Farrel returned to the camp. Indeed, people had been searching for him. Mr. Farrel narrated the incident to the king. They then left that place and pitched the camp some 200 yards away.

By the evening of that day a young man did indeed come searching for that place. After satisfying himself in all respects, he sat down there. In the meantime, Mr. Farrel also reached there. His curiosity was getting more and more intense as the time passed. In a short while sadhu too reached there. Mr. Farel and the young man touched his feet and stood waiting for his instructions. That place was in the centre of a grove of trees.. After lighting the fire sadhu did some puja, recited some mantras and told us to sit down in a meditating posture. A ray of light emanated from his forehead and a circular spot of light appeared on the trunk of a thick tree. Then whatever was seen in the spot was just like a cinema where they saw the characters actually walking and talking. Like a movie, they saw the events of the previous birth of that youth with their own naked eyes. In between that youth used to get excited and would say – ‘Yes-yes I had done that’.

At the end, that youth touched the feet of that sadhu and said "Lord! Now my attachment with the mundane world is broken. I am ready to take up the unfinished sadhana of my previous life. Please guide me so that I can complete the unfinished task."

The Sadhu said – "My son! Today you take rest here. In the morning, you return to your home. At an appropriate time, I will call you." After that Mr Farrel did not know when that youth was called again? What he became later and with what name he became popular? But he became a staunch devotee of Indian religion and spirituality. This incident has been narrated by Mr. Farrel himself in an article in the May 17, 1959 issue of Saptahik Hindustan (a weekly Hindi magazine).

A similar incident is narrated to have happened in the life of a famous Indian yogi Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri, popularly known as Lahiri Mahashay, in the book "An autobiography of a Yogi", by Swami Yogananda. Lahiri Mahashay happened to be Yoganand’s Dada Guru. He too was called by Babaji, an immortal siddha of Himalayas, who taught him the science of kriya yoga so that this knowledge does not become extinct.

Indian scriptures are filled with descriptions of immortal souls like Shiva, Bhairav, Hanuman, Ashwatthama and many siddhas. There is a story in Kalki Purana, which goes like this. When Lord Kalki saw that the entire world has sunk neck-deep in perversities like sex indulgence, anger, greed, attachment, ego, laziness, etc. and the light of the souls had been extinguished, he decided to guide the masses groping in the darkness of ignorance. The darkness was dense. The entire world was badly trapped in the materialistic pursuits and the pleasures of the senses. Lord Kalki felt that he lacked the power required for this awakening of the masses. Then his spiritual mentor Parashuram called him to the Himalayas and made him undertake a penance at a place where he (Parashuram) had himself done it. This penance awakened the enormous power, which was needed for the transformation of the era, within Kalki. Lord Parshuram was born in Vedic Yuga, which came much earlier than the Kaliyuga. His presence in Kaliyuga too is an indication of his immortality and a testimony of the fact that immortal souls like him are still present in the Himalayas. Dr. Hari Dutta Bhatta, Shailesh has given an interesting description of his mountaineering experience of Janwali (Garhwal) hill, which is 22000 feet above the sea level, in Dharmayuga (Hindi weekly, 23 rd August 1964 issue). He was convinced that some supernormal power saved him and his group from getting buried under a landslide. All these incidents prove the fact that immortal souls possessing fierce supernatural power are still present in the Himalayas and they will remain there for an infinite time.

Modern scientists are also actively engaged in the research for finding the elixir of life. Zoologists of Russia, France, Britain, Germany, USA, etc. have been investigating for a long time the process of aging and death. On the basis of the results obtained so far, they have concluded that death is not an inevitable phenomenon. Aging is a kind of disease. If it be possible to find a cure for it, a person could live for a thousand years. The modes and methods of kayakalpa (rejuvenation) mentioned in Ayurveda also prove this fact.

In fact death is the result of collapse of life sustaining mechanism in the body. The gradual reduction in the efficiency of the body organs is the cause of senility, leading to death. If the life sustaining mechanisms are kept healthy and if the process of cell renewal is kept intact, a human being could be kept alive for an infinite time. Genes are immortal so there is no inevitability of bodily death.

After studying Ayurveda, one can easily conclude that ancient seers and scholars had identified several herbs, fruits and chemicals, which help in the rejuvenation of the body. There is a popular phrase. "A person does not eat food; it is the food that eats up a person." Our physical body is nourished by blood. The latter provides oxygen to the entire body. Oxygen and other nerve fluids sustain consciousness in the body. All this is accomplished through emotions. It is the thoughts and emotions that give rise to secretions of hormones. These hormones control the metabolic processes within the body. Therefore, it appears that the responsibility of keeping the body healthy rests with our emotions and thoughts which are the real essence of life. There is a bird called ‘Salyon’, which gets sick after laying eggs. After investigation it has been found that after laying the eggs, her pituitary gland (which is centre of thoughts and emotions), gets excited and it starts secreting a hormone called A.C.T.H in huge quantities, which leads to her sickness. This has been found in the case of some other creatures as well. This shows that, if a person makes his thought process robustly positive and keeps his food light, he can keep himself alive and active for a long time.

Modern science has no knowledge of the thought control mechanism. Is there any power in the sentiments, which can catch in its purest form the life (genes) floating in the sky? This vidya (knowledge) is known only to Indian yogis. But now scientists too are agreeing with this. For example in 1975 some zoologists of Strasberg carried out an experiment for changing the genes of a duck. Two ducks, one of Campbell variety and the other of Pekish variety, were chosen. The DNA of the first were injected in the second and that of the second one were injected in the first. This gave rise to change in the color of both. Within a few days the dust colour of Campbell started appearing in the Pekish variety and the neck of Campbell variety started getting white.

Science can perform only a few experiments of this type. Changing one or two chromosomes is the first step towards success. The reproductive cells of a human being contain about 10 billions pairs of nucleotides and every pair has 46 chromosomes. It is difficult to change the behavior of a person without changing them. Then there are several cells in the body, which after being formed never change. The question of keeping them healthy is much a more daunting task. It will take a long time for science to search the solution for this. But that knowledge already exists in the science of yoga and Indian chemical methods. This needs unbiased scientific research of a different type. This depends on appropriate environment in addition to difficult sadhanas. For this purpose scientists have suggested that atmospheric temperature should be subzero. Mr Clark in his book ‘Space Odyssey’ has written that in order to undertake space voyage lasting for 200 to 400 yrs, it will be essential to keep the space voyager in the sleeping state at sub zero temperatures. Looked at from this scientific finding, the existence of immortal beings in the perennially frozen regions of the Himalayas cannot be considered as a myth.

In fact, Himalayan region has been a special haven of true Yogis and Mahatmas from times immemorial. The likes of great yogis who have lived in this sacred region cannot be found elsewhere. It is said that there is Gyangaj Yogashram in Tibet, which is a training institute for yogis. Hundreds of such yogis are reported to be living and researching into the mysteries of the inner realms. This Siddhashram isolate in the subtle-physical realm is not accessible or visible to ordinary persons. Only psychically awakened and gifted Sadhaks have the privilege of entry into this Siddhashram.


after mortal death the soul or spirit
would continue life in another
dimension. They buried their Pharaoh kings,
whom they regarded as living Gods, with all
the treasures and objects needed to survive
in comfort in the afterlife. They also
embalmed their bodies to ensure that their
mortal remains would be mummified and
preserved for whatever fate awaited them.
Crucially, they built impressive burial
structures to demonstrate the dead person’s
importance and to aid their ascendancy to
the next dimension in the heavens. The most
famous and enigmatic of these buildings are
Egypt’s pyramids, and the most mystical of
all these is the Great Pyramid of Cheops at
Giza. However, many people question
whether the structure really is just a simple,
albeit awesome, tomb or whether the design
holds one of the great secrets of civilisation.
The pyramids were erected between 2800
BC and 2200 BC; the first was built by King
Zoser in Saqqara near Memphis. Although
the structure was created with six stepped
tiers, and is not a strict pyramid as such, it
was the first building designed exclusively to
house the property and remains of the king.
In the following centuries King Seneferu
built his own trio of pyramids. One at
Maidum was called the ‘False Pyramid’
because it was abandoned mid-project due to
a structural weakness. One at Dahshur was
known as the ‘Bent Pyramid’ because of
another design problem which meant the
gradient of its sides had to be reduced as it
was constructed. The final one, called the
‘Northern Pyramid of Seneferu’, was built
close to the ‘Bent Pyramid’, and is recognised
as the first true pyramid.
The most impressive structure, however,
was completed around 2500 BC for King
Cheops at a site in Giza, ten miles south of
the city we now know as Cairo. Using an
estimated 4000 builders, and tens of
thousands more manual labourers, the ‘Great
Pyramid’ stands 481 feet high. It is believed
it may have taken up to 30 years to quarry
and assemble the two and a half million
blocks of limestone, which weigh a total of
six million tonnes. The base of the pyramid
covers an area just over 30 acres. It appears
that great care was lavished on Cheops’
structure, and although later pyramids were
built for King Chephren and King Mycerinus
alongside, neither is of the same quality.
Certainly, there are many fascinating
aspects of the Great Pyramid’s design. Its
sides run perfectly north to south and east to
west to within a tenth of a degree. The base
is an almost exact square, with an error
margin of just seven inches, whilst the
pavement around the structure is level to
within an inch. Unlike other pyramids, this
one houses a great number of chambers and
corridors, with the lengthy 345 feet long
Ascending Passageway running directly
north. It had been widely assumed that the
pyramid stood as a great monument to hold
the body and treasures of King Cheops,although when the structure was first opened
by Caliph Abdullah al Mamun in AD 820
nothing was found inside. Al Mamun
discovered the King’s Chamber blocked by
three huge granite plugs, which he and his
men circumvented. But when they arrived in
the great room, there simply stood an empty
stone sarcophagus.
The mystery of what had happened to the
pyramid after its completion, if its assumed
use is correct, has continued to this day. In
the absence of real evidence of burial
ceremonies in the structure, many fantastic
other theories have grown. Some people
believe it was built by God either as a stone
version of the Bible, or as a record containing
references to all events past, present and
future. They believe that the various
passageways represent historical time-lines,
and intersections between them mark great
happenings. The birth of Christ and the two
World Wars are supposed to be signified
along these routes. Some experts who
advocate this theory said it also showed a
Second Coming in 1881 and the end of the
world in 1953. Other mathematical studies
of the Great Pyramid claims it demonstrates
knowledge of the true value of pi, and was
built using the ‘sacred inch’.
A popular theory originating in the latter
part of the last century is at the Great
Pyramid was constructed by alien visitors. It
has been proposed that these aliens did
everything from creating Mankind to
erecting the pyramid as a landing beacon for
their next visit to Earth. Another well-known
idea is called the Orion Theory and was
created by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert.
They believe the pyramids at Giza are an
earthly representation of the three stars in
the Orion Nebula. The shafts found in the
Great Pyramid are supposed to correlate with
important astronomical features visible at
the time of the building’s construction. The
Orion Theory states that the Ancient
Egyptians were direct descendants of alien
visitors, and retained some of their
knowledge. The purpose of these important
design features in their tombs was to help
point the spirits of the dead back towards the
stars from whence they came.
Many of these ‘ancient astronaut’ theories
suggest the pyramids were built around
10,000 years ago, rather than the 5,000
supported by historians. Other theories state
that the instigating race may not have been
aliens, but a now-lost civilisation. One writer,
Edgar Cayce, was convinced the pyramids
were built around 10,000 BC by travellers
from Atlantis. However, his assertion that the
Atlanteans also recorded the Second Coming
of Christ in 1998 in the design of the
pyramid, is somewhat flawed. Some theories
even suggest that our conception of the
chronology of the pyramids is wrong. Some
people believe the build quality of the
pyramids actually deteriorated, rather than
improving, as the initial knowledge brought
by the instigating race was lost over time.
Although the Great Pyramid has been
explored and studied more than any other
ancient structure in Egypt, new discoveries
are constantly being made. In 1954 a
previously unknown sealed pit was found on
the south side, containing a 140 ft long cedar
boat, which may have been buried to help
the king travel to the after-life. In recent
years, space equipment and remote
controlled probes have been used to examine
the building in ways never before possible.
However, NASA’s refusal to publish
underground readings taken by the space
shuttle, and the Egyptian government’s
unhelpful attitudes towards deeper
exploration, has only increased conspiracy
theories and myths of hidden secrets. For the
world’s interested public, the mystery of the
Great Pyramid at Giza is as unknown today
as when Caliph Abdullah al Mamun first
reopened it over a millennium ago.


HIGH ON A PLATEAU in central Mexico
lies the remains of a city that
continues to perplex archaeologists
and historians. Of all the ancient cities of the
Americas, Teotihaucán is the most
enigmatic. Nobody knows what race of
people built it, what they used it for, or why
it was abandoned. Indeed, the remains are
awe-inspiring, but it is believed that 90 per
cent of the city is still buried under the arid
Mexican soil. And yet, this great city of
culture held 200,000 inhabitants at its peak.
So what happened at Teotihaucán?
When later Aztec races found this amazing
urban development they were so impressed
by its construction that they named it
‘Teotihaucán’, meaning ‘The great city where
men become gods’. The focal point of the
city, which spread over 12 square miles, was
an immense building called the Pyramid of
the Sun. This 216-foot-tall structure had a
temple at its summit which indicated the
city was ruled by native religion. At the base
of the pyramid ran a north-south avenue,
which stretched for almost three miles. The
Aztecs called this the ‘Avenue of the Dead’,
believing the small platforms that lined the
series of connecting courtyards to be tombs.
In fact, they were probably temples – it has
since been discovered that the Teotihaucáns
actually buried the dead in their own houses.
At the northern end of the avenue, nearest
the Sun Pyramid, there was a slightly smaller
construction, named the Pyramid of the
Moon. About a mile south down the avenue
there was a vast open area called the Citadel.
This was also surrounded by temples and
had the important Temple of the Feathered
Serpent in its centre. Intersecting the Avenue
of the Dead at its halfway point was another
avenue. The city was therefore based on a
grid system of four quarters. The houses in
this format were built in complexes of
adjoining dwellings, linked by terraces and
Teotihaucán patios. The building of the city began around
200 BC, with the major structures, like the
pyramids, being erected from the first
century AD. By the beginning of the fifth
century AD, the city covered its maximum
surface area, and housed around 100,000
people. Within two centuries this number
had doubled.
But who were the inhabitants?
Archaeologists and historians really do not
know for certain. They were much too early
to be Aztecs, and the Toltec race, despite
having a similar sense of architecture and
civil engineering, did not appear until 200
years after the initial building of Teotihuacán.
There is a possibility that the Olmecs, a race
of great builders and craftsmen who had
flourished between the fifteenth century BC and first century AD, may have been their
ancestors. However, there is no proof to
confirm this, and the writings and records
left by the Teotihaucáns, which would
provide us with their own version of their
history, have never been successfully
translated to. Whoever founded the city did
so with intelligent laws and a strict reverence
for religious matters. It has been suggested
that the city was a major destination for
pilgrims and the training centre for priests.
Despite the people enjoying a structured,
dignified and privileged life, the city of
Teotihaucán was largely destroyed by the
eighth century AD. One theory is that the
population may have been too great for the
local resources although this has been
countered by the knowledge that the rulers
of Teotihaucán were good enough social and
civil engineers to provide for this. It is more
likely that invading barbarians from the
north attacked the city. Indeed, what
historians have garnered from Teotihaucán
murals suggests the roles of soldiers took on
more prominence in the city’s later years.
Teotihaucán itself was not designed to repel
attacks, and recent excavations have
indicated that large, prepared fires were
started in the city during its last days.
Although the origin of the Teotihaucán
race is unknown, the influence it had across
the Mexican region has been proven to be
immense. Some experts consider the
possibility that a mass exodus of
Teotihaucán citizens founded another town
with structure similar to the earlier pyramids
at a site 700 miles away in Kaminaljuyú. But
nothing is known for certain. Even after
nearly a century of intense historical investigation,
the mysterious story of Teotihaucán
is as unknown now as it has been for a
thousand years.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Dragon 's Triangle

n recent years much has been written about the Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious phenomena associated with it. Most of us are aware that the Bermuda Triangle is a triangular shaped area of ocean stretching from the Straits of Florida, north-east to Bermuda, south to Lesser Antilles and then back to Florida.

Less known, on the other side of the world, there exists a similar area of ocean known as the Dragon’s Triangle. The Dragon’s Triangle follows a line from Western Japan, north of Tokyo, to a point in the Pacific at approximate latitude of 145 degrees east. It turns west south west, past the Bonin Islands, then down to Guam and Yap, west towards Taiwan, before heading back to Japan in a north north easterly direction.

Both areas share stories of missing maritime vessels and aircraft, reports of malfunctioning navigational and communication equipment and tales of drifting, crewless ghost ships.

The Dragon’s Triangle in particular, bears testament to an ever-changing seascape. Islands and lands masses have formed and disappeared literally overnight through volcanic activity and seaquakes. Records reveal islands charted by experienced navigators, and documented as having been visited; yet years later no trace of these places could be found!

Another common factor is the existence of agonic lines - lines of no magnetic variation, along which the magnetic needle points directly north and south. The principle agonic line in the Western Hemisphere runs directly through the Bermuda triangle, whilst the principle agonic line in the Eastern Hemisphere runs through the Dragon’s triangle. Which in both cases often leads to extreme compass deviation in the surrounding area. For over a thousand years, possibly longer, the Japanese and their neighbours have recorded strange occurrences and disappearances. Ancient records tell of restless dragons surfacing from the depths, and taking unfortunate mariners back to their underground lairs. Legends dating back to c.1000Bc tell of underwater palaces inhabited by dragons and of a great slumbering dragon which lived in the cavern beneath the sea.

However, it wasn’t until the late 1960’s that western attention was drawn to this eastern phenomenon, and connections made with the Bermuda Triangle. Despite frequent coverage in the Japanese media of disappearances, reports rarely made the international press. Language barriers and racist attitudes may have a lot to do with this. One wonders how well known the Bermuda Triangle might have been if it wasn’t situated off the coast of the United States?

In ancient times such happenings were explained by the interventions of gods, demons and mythical creatures. Today, the fate of the missing craft and crews remains a mystery; although many explanations have been suggested. These include, alien abduction, the disappearance into a “black hole” or gateway to another dimension, time or parallel universe. The destruction and disappearance without trace by extreme natural phenomena. Falling prey to covert military or scientific experimentation or abduction by “unfriendly forces”. Even elaborate insurance fraud has been suggested; whereby ships end up in breakers yards and are reported missing in the triangle!

Whatever the answer, the Dragon’s Triangle, along with it’s Bermudan equivalent, remains one of the world’s best kept secrets. Perhaps the answer lies with the great slumbering dragon.

Saturday, April 10, 2010